Bulk Rock Salt Suppliers, Bulk Rock Salt, Ground Heater Rental — You Decide or Call Rock Salt and Ice Control HQ for Expert Advice
This past week held some inclimate weather, it will surely not be the last with the 10 day forecast showing a range of temperatures above and below freezing with snow and rain, creating unsafe road and walkway conditions. Rock Salt & Ice Control HQ (a Duke Company) can help you prepare for your winter needs.
Rock Salt & Ice Control HQ offers a variety of snow/ice removal solutions. We provide fast delivery throughout New York as well as surrounding states. If needed, our A+ customer service offers expert advice, ensuring you have the right tools and/or products that best suits your needs.
Rock Salt & Ice Control HQ (a Duke Company) carries Vaporizer Ice Melt Flake and American Rock Salt: bagged, bulk/wholesale or by the pallet. We have the best prices in NY, as well as, award winning customer service.
Call the Rock Salt & Ice Control HQ (a Duke Company) at 585-292-9870 (Rochester NY), or 607-347-4455 (Ithaca NY), we’re happy to help.
Likewise, you can place an order via our web portal for a quick quote.

Looking for information on buying Stealth Blue Ice Melt & Deicer and the best prices in NY?
The Duke Company carries Stealth Blue Ice Melt in bulk, pallet and bag quantities.
Stealth Blue Ice Melt & Deicer, manufactured by world-renown Kissner Corporation, is enhances with CMA and Calcium Chloride, and rapidly targets ice and eliminates snow. Its exceptionally fast acting formula is super effective at lower temperatures. The stealth blue color coated blue crystals provide precision for visual coverage.
It is capable of melting to -30 degrees Fahrenheit. Stealth Blue Ice Melt and Deicer is highly effective active ingredients are Sodium Chloride, Calcium Chloride, Calcium Magnesium Acetate, Magnesium Chloride, and Potassium Chloride.
At the Duke Company, all of our Stealth Blue Premium Ice Melter quantities are available for the best prices:
• Bulk, Wholesale Quantities and Wholesale Discounts, By the Pallet and By the Bag.
Helpful Safety Download Information
- SDS – Safety Data Sheet | Stealth Blue Ice Melter and Deicer by Kissner Corporation
- Product Information – Stealth Blue Premium Ice Melter and Deicer
Rock Salt & Ice Control HQ (a Duke Company) deicers are available through-out upstate New York including:
Call the Rock Salt & Ice Control HQ (a Duke Company) at 585-292-9870 (Rochester NY) and 607-347-4455 (Ithaca NY) for more information, business hours, and all your snow and ice removal needs and information.
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Text ‘DUKESALT’ to 55469 to receive text messages regarding our hours, extended hours, schedule changes and discount opportunities.
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