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Colder Weather Returns-Rock Salt & Ice Control HQ


While we had a reprieve of winter weather, we have been reminded that cold weather, snow and ice have not disappeared according to the Weather Channel. Cold weather is expected to persist after our warm spelll. This may cause icy conditions to persist. Rock Salt & Ice Control HQ (a Duke Company) has a variety of products for your deicing needs. Our staff is more than happy to advise you on what products would best suit your needs. Looking for an environmentally safer deicer? Or perhaps, a deicer that works well at low temperatures or is environmentally or pet friendly?


Quote for Rock Salt & Packaged Ice Melts from the Duke Company

Or call the Rock Salt & Ice Control HQ  (a Duke Company) at:

585-292-9870  (Rochester NY)

607-347-4455  (Ithaca NY)

(585) 335-5970 (Dansville NY)

*Courtesy of the Weather Channel




Below is a chart of the deicing products and their respective qualities.

Chart that Explains which Ice Melters and Deicers are Most Effective and Pet Friendly

Rock Salt and Ice Control HQ with Bobcat Snow Plow in Upstate NYFeatured Snow Plowing Accessories in  NY 


Featured Delivery Areas in New York 

We proudly deliver to population centers through-out New York including:

About the Duke Company

The Duke Company, headquartered in RochesterIthaca NY and Danville NY, has proudly been serving ice control professionals since 2004.  Our ice control experts would be glad to assist you with expert advice on selecting the right quantities of rock salt & deicers, snow plowing products and accessories tailored to your specific needs.

Call Us

To speak with the Duke Company’s Ice Control experts, Call Us: (585) 292-9870.

Quote for Rock Salt & Packaged Ice Melts from the Duke Company

By David Szydlowski

You can Find David Szydlowski on Google+

Ice Control Division Manager at the Duke Company